UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 20549 SCHEDULE 13D (Rule 13d-101) INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN STATEMENTS FILED PURSUANT TO RULE 13d-1(a) AND AMENDMENTS THERETO FILED PURSUANT TO RULE 13d-2(a) (Amendment No. 9) Telos Corporation ----------------- (Name of Issuer) 12% Cumulative Exchangeable Redeemable Preferred Stock, Par Value $0.01 Per Share ------------------------------------------------------- (Title of Class of Securities) 87969B200 ------------------------------------- (CUSIP Number of Class of Securities) Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. 450 Seventh Avenue, Suite 509 New York, New York 10123 Attention: Mr. Nelson Obus -------------------------- (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Person Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications) Copy to: Jeffrey S. Tullman, Esq. Kane Kessler, P.C. 1350 Avenue of the Americas, 26th Floor New York, New York 10019 (212) 541-6222 February 15, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------- (Date of Event which Requires Filing of this Statement) If the filing person has previously filed a Statement on Schedule 13G to report the acquisition that is the subject of this Schedule 13D, and is filing this Schedule because of Rule 13d-1(e), 13d-1(f) or 13d-1(g), check the following box [ ] (continued on following pages) (Page 1 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 2 of 12 pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON: 13-3688497 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS WC (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) OR 2(e) [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION DELAWARE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER 131,800 shares (See Item 5) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY -0- (See Item 5) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH REPORTING 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER PERSON 131,800 shares (See Item 5) WITH ----------------------------------------------------------- 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER -0- (See Item 5) - ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 131,800 (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 4.1% (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON PN (Page 2 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 3 of 12 Pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Wynnefield Small Cap Value Offshore Fund, Ltd. S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON: Not Applicable - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS WC (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2 (d) OR 2 (e) [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION CAYMAN ISLANDS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER 85,400 shares (See Item 5) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY -0- (See Item 5) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER REPORTING 85,400 shares (See Item 5) PERSON ----------------------------------------------------------- WITH 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER -0- (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 85,400 shares (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 2.7% (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON CO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Page 3 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 4 of 12 pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON 13-3953291 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS WC (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) OR 2(e) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION DELAWARE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER 142,800 shares (See Item 5) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY -0- (See Item 5) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER REPORTING 142,800 shares (See Item 5) PERSON ----------------------------------------------------------- WITH 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER -0- (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 142,800 shares (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 4.5% (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON PN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Page 4 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 5 of 12 pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Channel Partnership II, L.P. S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON: 22-3215653 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS WC (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) OR 2(e) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER 13,500 shares (See Item 5) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY -0- (See Item 5) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH REPORTING 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER PERSON 13,500 shares (See Item 5) WITH ----------------------------------------------------------- 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER -0- (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 13,500 shares (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 0.4 % (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON PN (Page 5 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 6 of 12 pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Nelson Obus S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS AF (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) OR 2(e) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER 13,500 shares (See Item 5) (1) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY 360,000 (See Item 5) (1) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH REPORTING 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER PERSON 13,500 shares (See Item 5)(1) WITH ----------------------------------------------------------- 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER 360,000 (See Item 5) (1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 373,500 shares (See Item 5)(1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 11.7% (See Item 5)(1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON IN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Mr. Obus may be deemed to have an indirect beneficial ownership in such shares through his positions as a co-managing member of Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC, a principal executive officer of Wynnefield Capital, Inc., and general partner of Channel Partnership II, L.P. Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC holds an indirect beneficial ownership interest in 274,600 shares which are directly owned by Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. and Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I. Wynnefield Capital, Inc. holds an indirect beneficial ownership interest in 85,400 shares which are directly beneficially owned by Wynnefield Small Cap Value Offshore Fund, Ltd. Channel Partnership II, L.P. directly owns 13,500 shares. As Mr. Joshua H. Landes is a co-managing member of Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC and an executive officer of Wynnefield Capital, Inc., Mr. Obus shares voting and dispositive power with Mr. Landes with regard to any shares beneficially owned by Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC and Wynnefield Capital, Inc. (Page 6 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 7 of 12 pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Joshua H. Landes S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS AF (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) OR 2(e) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER -0- shares (See Item 5) (1) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY 360,000 (See Item 5) (1) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER REPORTING -0- shares (See Item 5) (1) PERSON ----------------------------------------------------------- WITH 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER 360,000 (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 360,000 shares (See Item 5) (1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 11.3% (See Item 5) (1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON IN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Mr. Landes may be deemed to have an indirect beneficial ownership in such shares through his positions as a managing member of Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC and an executive officer of Wynnefield Capital, Inc. Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC holds an indirect beneficial ownership interest in 274,600 shares which are directly owned by Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. and Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I. Wynnefield Capital, Inc. holds an indirect beneficial ownership interest in 85,400 shares which are directly beneficially owned by Wynnefield Small Cap Value Offshore Fund, Ltd. As Mr. Obus is a co-managing member of Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC and a principal executive officer of Wynnefield Capital, Inc., Mr. Landes shares voting and dispositive power with Mr. Obus with regard to any shares beneficially owned by Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC and Wynnefield Capital, Inc. (Page 7 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 8 of 12 pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Wynnefield Capital Management LLC S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON: 13-4018186 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS AF (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) OR 2(e) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER 274,600 shares (See Item 5) (1) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY -0- (See Item 5) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER REPORTING 274,600 shares (See Item 5) (1) PERSON ----------------------------------------------------------- WITH 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER -0- (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 274,600 shares (See Item 5) (1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 8.6% (See Item 5) (1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON OO (Limited Liability Company) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC, as the general partner of Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. and Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I, holds an indirect beneficial interest in these shares which are directly beneficially owned by Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. and Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I. (Page 8 of 12 pages) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSIP No. 87969B200 13D/A Page 9 of 12 pages - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NAME OF REPORTING PERSON: Wynnefield Capital, Inc. S.S. OR I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NO. OF ABOVE PERSON: N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (a) [ ] (b) [X] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SEC USE ONLY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS AF (SEE ITEM 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) OR 2(e) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION CAYMAN ISLANDS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SOLE VOTING POWER 85,400 shares (See Item 5)(1) NUMBER OF ----------------------------------------------------------- SHARES 8. SHARED VOTING POWER BENEFICIALLY -0- (See Item 5) OWNED BY ----------------------------------------------------------- EACH 9. SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER REPORTING 85,400 shares (See Item 5)(1) PERSON ----------------------------------------------------------- WITH 10. SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER -0- (See Item 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 85,400 shares (See Item 5)(1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW (11) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11) 2.7% (See Item 5)(1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON CO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Wynnefield Capital, Inc. as the sole investment manager of Wynnefield Small Cap Value Offshore Fund, Ltd., holds an indirect beneficial interest in these shares which are directly beneficially owned by Wynnefield Small Cap Value Offshore Fund, Ltd. (Page 9 of 12 pages) This Amendment No. 9 (the "Amendment") amends the Statement of Beneficial Ownership on Schedule 13D, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") on June 24, 1997, and amended by Amendment No. 1 filed on June 22, 1998, and further amended by Amendment No. 2 filed on December 18, 2003, and further amended by Amendment No. 3 filed on April 21, 2004, and further amended by Amendment No. 4 filed on April 1, 2005, and further amended by Amendment No. 5 filed on May 9, 2005, and further amended by Amendment No. 6 filed on February 9, 2006, 1 further amended by Amendment No. 7 filed on June 5, 2006, and further amended by Amendment No. 8 filed on February 12, 2007 (the "Wynnefield Schedule 13D"), filed by Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. (the "Partnership"), Wynnefield Small Cap Value Offshore Fund, Ltd. (the "Fund"), Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I (the "Partnership-I"), Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC ("WCM"), Wynnefield Capital, Inc. ("WCI"), Nelson Obus ("Mr. Obus"), Joshua Landes ("Mr. Landes") and Channel Partnership II, L.P. ("Channel" and, collectively with the Partnership, the Fund, the Partnership-I, WCM, WCI, Mr. Obus, and Mr. Landes, the "Wynnefield Reporting Persons"), with respect to the shares of 12% Cumulative Exchangeable Redeemable Preferred Stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Preferred Shares"), of Telos Corporation, a Maryland corporation with its principal executive offices located at 19886 Ashburn Road, Ashburn, Virginia 20147-2358 (the "Issuer"). All defined terms refer to terms defined herein or in the Wynnefield Schedule 13D. The information contained in this Amendment is as of the date hereof, unless otherwise expressly provided herein. ITEM 4. PURPOSE OF TRANSACTION. "Item 4. Purpose of Transaction." appearing in the Wynnefield Schedule 13D is supplemented by adding the following disclosure to the end of such item: On February 15, 2007, in connection with that certain lawsuit pending in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City in the State of Maryland (the "Court") against the Issuer, each director of the Issuer, and certain of the Issuer's executive officers (the "Lawsuit"), Costa Brava and Partnership-I filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction asking the Court to enter a preliminary injunction against the Issuer and the other defendants in the Lawsuit and their agents enjoining them from pursuing or closing any sale of the Issuer's assets outside the ordinary course of business until such time as the Issuer has reconstituted its Board of Directors through the election of new Class D directors, and repopulated the Issuer's Transaction Committee. A copy of the Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Costa Brava and Partnership-I, through their respective counsel, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.5 of the Amendment (the "Motion for Preliminary Injunction"). A copy of the Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Costa Brava and Partnership-I, through their respective counsel, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.6 of the Amendment and incorporated herein by reference (the "Memorandum of Points and Authorities"). Any descriptions herein of the Motion for Preliminary Injunction and the Memorandum of Points and Authorities are qualified in their entirety by reference to the Motion for Preliminary Injunction and the Memorandum of Points and Authorities respectively. As of the date of this Amendment No. 9, except as set forth above, none of the Wynnefield Reporting Persons has any present plans or intentions which would result in or relate to any of the transactions described in subparagraphs (a) through (j) of Item 4 of the instructions to Schedule 13D. The Wynnefield Reporting Persons reserves the right to change their plans and intentions at any time as they deem appropriate. In particular, the Wynnefield Reporting Persons may purchase Preferred Shares, or may sell or otherwise dispose of all or a portion of the Preferred Shares, in public and private transactions and/or may enter into negotiated derivative transactions to hedge the market risk of some or all positions in, or to obtain greater exposure to, the Preferred Shares. Any such transactions may be effected at any time or from time to time, subject to any applicable limitations imposed on the sale of shares of the Common Stock by the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and applicable state securities or "blue sky" laws. (Page 10 of 12 pages) ITEM 7. MATERIAL TO BE FILED AS EXHIBITS The following exhibit is filed as part of this Amendment: Exhibit 99.5 Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City in the State of Maryland on February 15, 2007(incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.14 of Amendment No. 13 to the Statement of Beneficial Ownership on Schedule 13D, filed by the Costa Brava Reporting Persons with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 16, 2007 (File No. 005-34123)). Exhibit 99.6 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City in the State of Maryland on February 15, 2007 (without the exhibits thereto) (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.14 of Amendment No. 13 to the Statement of Beneficial Ownership on Schedule 13D, filed by the Costa Brava Reporting Persons with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 16, 2007 (File No. 005-34123)). SIGNATURE After reasonable inquiry and to the best of their knowledge and belief, the undersigned certify that the information set forth in this Amendment is true, complete and correct. Dated: February 20, 2007 WYNNEFIELD PARTNERS SMALL CAP VALUE, L.P. By: Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC, its General Partner By: /s/ Nelson Obus ----------------------------------- Nelson Obus, Co-Managing Member (Page 11 of 12 pages) WYNNEFIELD PARTNERS SMALL CAP VALUE, L.P. I By: Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC, its General Partner By: /s/ Nelson Obus ----------------------------------- Nelson Obus, Co-Managing Member WYNNEFIELD SMALL CAP VALUE OFFSHORE FUND, LTD. By: Wynnefield Capital, Inc., its Investment Manager By: /s/ Nelson Obus ----------------------------------- Nelson Obus, President WYNNEFIELD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC By: /s/ Nelson Obus ----------------------------------- Nelson Obus, Co-Managing Member WYNNEFIELD CAPITAL, INC. By: /s/ Nelson Obus ----------------------------------- Nelson Obus, President CHANNEL PARTNERSHIP II, L.P. By: /s/ Nelson Obus ----------------------------------- Nelson Obus, General Partner /s/ Nelson Obus ----------------------------------- Nelson Obus, Individually /s/ Joshua H. Landes ----------------------------------- Joshua H. Landes, Individually (Page 12 of 12 Pages)